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KRI Nanggala 402 submarine
3 May 2021On April 21, 2021, KRI Naggala-402 went missing after trying to fire its torpedoes during a combat exercise. The submarine last known position was in the waters over 700 meters deep. 53 sailors were killed.
Cause of the accident of vessel Ever Given in Suez Canal - Banking effect
19 April 2020What is the root of the casualty? There will be no firm answers until the investigations have concluded. These are the key factors that can be the cause of the accident. One of those is the hydrodynamic effects to the ship sailing in the narrow and shallow channel such as bank effects and squat. This video is to explain what the bank effect is and how it influences a vessel in a narrow channel.
How the MV Ever Given stranded in Suez Canal
4 April 2021This video demonstrates how the ship Ever Given ran aground on the Sues Canal on March 23, 2021. It showed problems in maneuvering a large vessel with a high draft in a narrow and shallow channel. The risk assessment should take into account factors including shore impact, wind influence, the impact of the vessel, speed of the vessel, etc. The salvage operation should also be considered in the case of stranding.
How to re-float the giant vessel Ever Given grounded in Suez Canal
6 April 2020The purpose of this video is to present the forces acting on a stranded ship and suggest methods for re-floating the ship by adjusting these forces. For the giant ship Ever Given stuck in the Suez Canal, a question is that what is the maximum size and weight of a ship to pass through the canal that can avoid the same problem.
Salvage operation of Ever Given in Suez Canal
27 March 2021The simulation of the salvage operation of ULCC (Ultra Large Container Carrier) stranded in Suez Canel. The model has the same size and loading conditions as the vessel Ever Given. The input conditions are based on available information and theoretical and practical estimation.
Ship handling - Scenario 10: Leaving a port-hand berth, stern out, offshore wind, no tide
8 August 2020This simulation run demonstrates how to handle a ship unberthing a port-hand berth with stern out, in the offshore wind, and no tide. This is the same scenario number 9, however, the stern is released to leave the quay first. The objective of this scenario is to unberth the vessel leaving stern out by using the benefit of offshore wind.
Ship handling - Scenario 09: Leaving a port-hand berth, parallel, offshore wind, no tides
25 July 2020The objective of this scenario is to use the benefit of offshore wind to blow the vessel off and parallel the quay while easing the bow and stern lines before departing with headway.
Ship handling - Scenario 08: Berthing starboard side to the quay, no wind, tide ahead, off-shore anchor
1 July 2020The objective of this scenario is to use the offshore anchor, in combination with a bow-line to hold the ship against the current, and control the lateral speed of the bow. The approaching speed of the stern, when necessary can be controlled with the engines ahead and proper rudder together with the stern line
The container barge collides the bridge in Rotterdam
5 July 2020This simulation run is done to analyze the reasons and assess the risks of the accident for training purposes and improving awareness of the navigators. The barge and containers are developed in full hydrodynamic model.
Ship handling - Scenario 07: Berthing starboard side to the quay, no wind, tide ahead
28 June 2020The objective of this scenario is to use the benefit of the current to bring the vessel alongside. In common practice, when berthing in a condition with current, the vessel should stem the stream so that she can be easier controlled due to the braking effect of the current and higher effects of the rudders. In this situation, the speed of water flow moving through the rudders is higher that increases the traversal thrust of the rudders. Thus, to turning the ship, a smaller rudder angle should be applied.
Challenge your feeling on a yacht sailing around Paradise Island, Nassau, Bahamas
20 June 2020Try a wonderful tour around Paradise Island with a yacht in a romantic sunset along a beautiful beach and challenge with rough waves, heavy rain, fog throughout the journey.
Ship handling - Scenario 06: Berthing in onshore wind, offshore anchor deplpoyment
20 June 2020The objective of this scenario is to use rudders and engines in combination with the offshore anchor with the benefit of the wind to gently bring the vessel laterally and parallel with the quay.
Ship handling - Scenario 05: Berthing in onshore wind, windage area abaft
12 June 2020This simulation demonstrates how to handle to berth a ship alongside in the condition of onshore wind. The ship 's windage area is abaft. What is the difference in handling a ship moving sideways with the windage area abaft in comparison with the windage area forward as scenario 04?
Ship handling - Scenario 04: Berthing in onshore wind, windage area forward
7 June 2020This simulation demonstrates how to handle to berth a ship portside alongside in the condition of onshore wind. The ship 's windage area is forward. The objective of this scenario is to use rudders and engines with the benefit of the wind to gently bring the vessel alongside laterally and parallel to the quay.
Ship handling - Scenario 03: Berthing into strong offshore wind - narrow water conditions
2 June 2020This simulation run demonstrates how to manoeuver a ship to berth a quay in slack water area conditions and with a strong offshore wind which trends to push the ship off the quay. In this situation, the ship should approach the berth at a steep angle and mooring lines are sent to the quay and moored up to bring the ship alongside.
Ship handling - Scenario 02: Berthing starboard side in calm conditions
31 May 2020This simulation run demonstrates how a ship is handled to berth alongside the quay in calm conditions by a combination of the transversal thrust of the rudder and transversal effects of the right-handed propeller while applying reverse engines.
Mô phỏng điều động tàu - Cập cầu mạn trái, không dòng, không gió, chân vịt chiều phải
23 May 2020Simulation scenario: Berthing port side to a quay in calm conditions with right-handed propeller. Use of the effects of tranversal thrust when the engines astern to swing the stern of the ship to port side and parallel with the quay.
Shiphandling simulation - Scenario 01: Berthing port side alongside in calm conditions
24 May 2020Simulation scenario: Berthing port side to a quay in calm conditions with right-handed propeller. Use of the effects of tranversal thrust when the engines astern to swing the stern of the ship to port side and parallel with the quay.
Amazing rescue in rough sea - a fast boat with full hydrodynamic model
10 May 2020How a fast boat with a team of professional rescuers manages to locate and rescue people in a very rough sea. This video can explain this activity thanks to the simulation with a hydrodynamic model in 6 degrees of the freedom movement.
Virtual journey along Nieuwe Maas, Rotterdam - Simulation navigation
28 April 2020This video gives everyone the opportunity to sail and observe all navigation equipment in the bridge of a luxury cruise ship along Nieuwe Maas to visit Rotterdam city. Give it a try!
Sailing upstream Danube River - Lock of Freudenau, Austria
24 April 2020The Danube was once a long-standing frontier of the Roman Empire, and today flows through 10 countries. But how a ship can pass a lock wioth different water levels
Polar Code - Arctic Navigation
16 April 2020The Arctic is an ocean surrounded by continents. It survives many summer seasons and there is a significant amount of multi-year ice. How do the navigators pass the polar pole?
Ship-handling simulation - Scenario 12: Leaving a starboard-hand berth, calm weather
16 August 2020The objective of this scenario is to handle the vessel clear a starboard-hand berth, then depart with the application of the propulsions, helms in combination with mooring lines, and taking into consideration of the effects of transverse thrust.
Ship-handling simulation - Scenario 13: Leaving a starboard-hand berth, no wind, tide ahead
28 August 2020The objective is to clear the berth when a tidal stream is ahead of the vessel. The intention is to cant the vessel quickly off the quay as the stream catches the inshore bow and allows the inshore flow of water between the quay and the ship’s side cushion the stern off the berth.
Ship-handling simulation - Scenario 14: Leaving a starboard-hand berth, no wind, tide astern
23 September 2020The objective is to clear the berth when a tidal stream is astern of the vessel. The intention is to cant vessel quickly off the quay at the stern and allows the inshore flow of water between the dock wall and the ship’s side cushion the bow off the berth.
Salvage operation of Ever Given in Suez Canal
27 March 2021The simulation of the salvage operation of ULCC (Ultra Large Container Carrier) stranded in Suez Canel. The model has the same size and loading conditions as the vessel Ever Given. The input conditions are based on available information and theoretical and practical estimation.
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